Woman swimming in pool after plastic surgery

When it comes to plastic surgery, there are a lot of factors to consider. It is a unique, complex experience for each patient. During our close follow-up care with patients, we answer all kinds of questions about life after a cosmetic procedure. Mommy makeover patients at our Toronto and Mississauga locations often have a number of questions about how the various procedures included in the surgery will each heal.

To ease any uncertainty and help you plan for your recovery, this post will offer time lines for getting back to those more obscure activities that may be on your mind after surgery.

How soon can I fly with new breast implants and how will it affect my healing?

In general, 1 to 2 weeks after your breast augmentation surgery is a reasonable window for flying, but your timeline may depend on the specifics of your procedure and the rate at which your body heals. Flying shouldn’t affect your healing if you wait an appropriate amount of time and take a few precautions during your trip, including:

  • Avoid lifting heavy luggage or reaching above your head to store it in the overhead compartment.
  • Expect to feel sore and sensitive for a few weeks.
  • Wear a compression garment for 6 weeks to keep your implants in place.

Make sure you feel comfortable traveling with these factors in mind.

How soon can I get back to swimming after a mommy makeover?

You may be able to resume strenuous activities after 4 to 6 weeks, which is around the time you’ll likely be cleared to swim. Though you can shower soon after your surgery, it’s important to wait until your incisions are completely healed to fully submerge them. I prefer to clear patients for swimming at a follow-up appointment, so I can check the incisions and make sure they’re unlikely to be affected. The timeline for this step in your recovery will depend on which procedures we performed as part of your surgery.

How soon can I get back to the gym after liposuction?

Liposuction patients can usually return to exercise within 2 to 4 weeks. Factors including the amount of fat removed and the number of areas treated may affect how soon you can be cleared to return to vigorous activity. Liposuction has a relatively quick recovery period for most patients.

Compassionate Care During Recovery

Although you will receive detailed written instructions regarding dressings, medication, and care during your recovery, my staff and I can always be reached for additional questions. I pride myself on providing exceptional availability to my patients during the post-op period and I encourage you to call immediately if you have any concerns along the way.

To learn about some lesser knows benefits of mommy makeover surgery, review this separate blog post. To see real patient examples of the results you can look forward to after recovery, please browse our online gallery of mommy makeover before-and-after photos.

If your question wasn’t answered here, I encourage you to learn more about mommy makeover procedures in Toronto and Mississauga by requesting a personal consultation. Please contact us online or call (416) 207-9090 (Toronto) or (905) 273-3045 (Mississauga) to make your appointment.

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