Injectable Treatments

  • Prescription Wrinkle Injections: Injectable, prescription neurotoxins can help prevent “dynamic” wrinkles caused by muscle contractions.
  • Injectable Fillers: We offer various injectable fillers to help combat the look of aging by filling in lines and wrinkles.
  • Nonsurgical Facelift: A nonsurgical facelift combines injectables to refresh and rejuvenate the face.
  • Double Chin Treatments: BELKYRA™ is an injectable treatment that reduces the appearance of a double chin.
  • Fat Grafting: This procedure enhances facial features and fills facial hollows with fat harvested by liposuction from another area of the body.

Skin Rejuvenation

  • Skin Tightening: Using the power of radiofrequency and ultrasound devices, we can tighten and tone loose, saggy skin across the body.
  • Ultherapy®: Restore a more youthful appearance with this noninvasive skin tightening treatment.
  • Chemical Peels: Several strengths of chemical peels are offered to rejuvenate skin and to treat acne, rosacea, melasma and other uneven pigment.
  • Microdermabrasion: Microdermabrasion exfoliates the skin and cleanses pores to reduce the appearance of fine lines, age spots, and acne for a healthy glow.
  • Lid & Lash Rejuvenation: There are a number of topical products, injectables, applications and more invasive means for improving the appearance of the eye area.
  • Skincare Products: Women and men interested in skin care can find a wide variety of products specifically for their needs.

Laser & Light Therapies

  • IPL & Photofacial: This is a treatment for acne, rosacea, and brown and red spots, improving skin’s tone and texture by reducing blemishes, visible blood vessels and uneven pigment.
  • Laser Hair Removal: This is a time-efficient way to reduce unwanted hair on the face and body.
  • Other Laser Treatments: We also offer light-based treatment of wrinkles, unwanted veins, red and brown spots and scars.

Other Nonsurgical Treatments

  • Headache & Sweat Management: From herbal remedies to strategic injections, our staff has the tools to ease chronic headaches and reduce excess sweat production.
  • CoolSculpting®: Freeze away fat with this nonsurgical liposuction alternative that requires no downtime.

Custom Cosmetic Packages

If you have more than one area of concern regarding your appearance and are looking for an intensive broad approach to treatment, this program is for you. At Mississauga Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Clinic, we can design a custom beauty program that makes sense for your needs.

Individualized Treatments

Some Mississauga and Toronto skincare clinics offer standardized treatment regimens, but the truth is everyone has a unique skin type and different concerns about their appearance. Here, we start with a thorough skincare assessment, and then we build an integrated package that may include a series of exfoliating therapies. Microdermabrasion and chemical peels (with IPL photofacials to reverse sun damage) can be spaced out every 2 weeks over a period of 8 to 12 weeks. Typically we will combine this with skin products for home use to enhance the effects of the in-clinic treatments, and some additional therapy with BOTOX® and injectable fillers like JUVÉDERM® and Restylane® to reduce wrinkles and restore volume.

Dr. Michael Weinberg

Dr. Michael J. Weinberg


As an experienced, Royal-College certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Weinberg is devoted to helping patients reach their cosmetic goals. For over 25 years, he has built a reputation as one of the best plastic surgeons in Mississauga through expertise, experience, and dedication to his patients.

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Nonsurgical Treatment Benefits

What can some of these treatments offer our Toronto and Mississauga skincare patients? They can provide visible and tangible improvement in skin texture and tone; reduce signs of aging, including fine lines and irregular or dark pigment; reduce acne, rosacea, and scarring; and restore fullness and softness to facial contours.

Combining nonsurgical treatments with surgery can enhance your results and protect the cosmetic investment you’ve made. In addition, many of these treatments and products promote general skin health, slow down the process of further skin aging, and in some cases help prevent skin cancer.

Request Your Consultation

To learn more about our nonsurgical procedures, call our office at (905) 273-3045 (Mississauga) or (416) 207-9090 (Toronto) or request an appointment online. We look forward to meeting with you and helping you achieve your aesthetic goals.

Dr. Weinberg does not endorse or lend his name to any specific product, medication, or device. The information on this page is meant to familiarize prospective patients with some of the commonly available treatments/products and devices in use for specific issues and is intended for general educational purposes only. Decisions regarding treatments in a specific patient must be made in the context of a medical consultation.

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