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Featured Facelift & Neck Lift Before & After Photos

Before & After Facelift & Neck Lift Case 59 View #2 View in Mississauga & Toronto, ON
Before & After

For Extensive Lines And Wrinkles It’s Facelift For Brampton Woman.This 75 year old mother and grandmother was very unhappy with her facial appearance.  She had had a Mini facelift called the “Lifestyle Lift” in Florida th... Read More

Featured Facelift & Neck Lift Before & After Photos

Before & After Facelift & Neck Lift Case 77 View #1 View in Mississauga & Toronto, ON
Before & After

Facelift and Brow Lift Improve Jowls and Drooping Forehead.This 54 year old woman was starting to feel she looked tired when she looked in the mirror. Active, healthy and young feeling on the inside, she wanted to look how she felt on the outsi... Read More

Featured Facelift & Neck Lift Before & After Photos

Before & After Brow Lift Case 88 View #1 View in Mississauga & Toronto, ON
Before & After

Facelift at 50 for Toronto Woman Restores Youthful Look:This Toronto Facelift patient had had surgery with Dr. Weinberg previously. At age 50 she was unhappy with a low sitting brow and with drooping in her cheeks chin and jaw. She had seen the... Read More

Featured Facelift & Neck Lift Before & After Photos

Before & After Facelift & Neck Lift Case 83 View #1 View in Mississauga & Toronto, ON
Before & After

Facelift Gives Toronto Business Woman The Competitive Edge:At 58 this successful business woman did not like the drooping brows and jowls she was starting to see in the mirror. With a relaxed attitude toward plastic surgery, she was game for an... Read More

Featured Facelift & Neck Lift Before & After Photos

Before & After Facelift & Neck Lift Case 58 View #1 View in Mississauga & Toronto, ON
Before & After

From Northern Ontario Facelift Done In Mississauga. This 51 year old woman felt she was looking matronly. She didn’t like the lax skin at her jawline and in her neck and she she didn’t like the folds in her nasolabial area and chin, among other... Read More

Featured Facelift & Neck Lift Before & After Photos

Before & After Facelift & Neck Lift Case 48 View #1 View in Mississauga & Toronto, ON
Before & After

Decision For Facelift, Brampton Woman Wants Long Lasting Facial Rejuvenation. After doing her research online this 63 year old decided on Mississauga Cosmetic Surgery Clinic for her consultation regarding improving her facial appearance. She wa... Read More

Featured Facelift & Neck Lift Before & After Photos

Before & After Facelift & Neck Lift Case 101 View #1 View in Mississauga & Toronto, ON
Before & After

This 54-year-old woman wanted a fresher look to her neck and face. After a consultation with Dr. Weinberg, they determined her best options would be to have a facelift and neck lift to restore her youthful features. Her skin is tightened and sh... Read More

Featured Facelift & Neck Lift Before & After Photos

Before & After Facelift & Neck Lift Case 23 View #1 View in Mississauga & Toronto, ON
Before & After

Natural Looking Brow Lift and Facelift, Mississauga Woman Delighted. This 64 year old mother and grandmother felt her complexion was tired looking, and she complained of significant lines around the mouth, drooping of the brow, and sagging skin... Read More

Facelift & Neck Lift Before & After Photos

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Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

Your Facelift & Neck Lift Procedure

Facelift and neck lift procedures are designed to improve sagging, creases, and jowls by removing and repositioning skin and tightening muscles. The procedure usually takes 4 to 6 hours to complete and is performed under general anesthesia.

Most patients opt to have their surgery at the clinic, where they enjoy the personal attention, soothing atmosphere, discretion, and privacy that our facility offers. For those who prefer a traditional hospital setting, the procedure can be performed at Trillium Health Centre. It is one of the largest teaching hospitals in the province and where Dr. Weinberg was Division Head of Plastic Surgery for more than 15 years.

As with all surgical procedures, there are possible complications that can occur with face and neck lifts. Potential complications specific to your surgery will be discussed in detail at your consultation. For a discussion of general risks of surgery, review Dr. Weinberg’s Your First Visit page.

For facelift and neck lift combination procedures, we offer two styles of facelift techniques.

Long Scar (Traditional) Facelift

This facelift option is best for patients who have large amounts of lax, hanging skin in both the face and neck. It provides substantial lifting using an incision concealed within the hairline and folds of the ear. The incision extends from the temple, to the front of the ear, around the back of the ear, and backward beneath the hairline to the nape of the neck.

Short Scar, Mini-Lift, “S” Lift, or Weekend Facelift

This procedure works well for patients with less skin laxity and those who do not need a neck lift. A short scar facelift provides lift with an incision that extends from the temple, behind the hairline, and to the ear.

Dr. Michael Weinberg

Dr. Michael J. Weinberg


As an experienced, Royal-College certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Weinberg is devoted to helping patients reach their cosmetic goals. For over 25 years, he has built a reputation as one of the best plastic surgeons in Mississauga through expertise, experience, and dedication to his patients.

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How Much Does a Facelift & Neck Lift Cost in Mississauga & Toronto?

The price of a facelift in Mississauga or Toronto varies depending on several factors. Whether it is a short or long scar facelift and whether it will be combined with other procedures, such as a brow lift or eyelid surgery, all impact your final price. Dr. Weinberg will discuss the final cost of your procedure during your in-depth consultation and help you review all your cosmetic options.

Check out our Procedure Pricing page for more information on the cost of a facelift and neck lift at our Toronto area practice.

After Your Procedure

Sutures are usually removed at the clinic within 5 to 7 days, and patients can typically return to work within 10 to 14 days. Bruising may be present for 2 to 3 weeks. Men will need to shave behind the ears where beard-growing skin is repositioned. Depending on one’s skin type, results can last at least 5 to 10 years and sometimes much longer.

Dr. Weinberg will discuss and answer questions about specific possible side effects and complications in detail during your consultation.

Facelift & Neck Lift FAQs

Am I old enough for a facelift?

Candidacy for a face and neck lift is less about your numerical age and more about physical aging. People age in different ways and at different rates, so it’s impossible to say that everyone will be ready for a facelift at a particular milestone. Instead, take a look at your lower face and neck. If you see significant laxity, jowls, localized fat deposits, or deep wrinkles, you may be a good candidate for a facelift. During your consultation, Dr. Weinberg will evaluate your areas of concern and help you determine whether the procedure would be a good fit.

How is a nonsurgical facelift different from a traditional facelift?

A nonsurgical facelift relies on strategic administration of injectable treatments to reduce wrinkles, add volume, and add a subtle lift to sagging areas. This treatment uses BOTOX® and popular dermal fillers such as JUVÉDERM® and Restylane. Although a nonsurgical facelift can’t manipulate the underlying tissues and tighten muscles the way a traditional facelift can, it can create noticeable results for people with less significant signs of facial aging. It’s also a great customizable option for people who want a quick refreshment without taking time out from their daily lives to heal. Dr. Weinberg can help you determine what kind of results you can expect from both surgical and nonsurgical approaches.

Can face and neck lift surgery improve my entire face?

A face and neck lift procedure is intended to improve the neck and the lower two-thirds of the face. These areas are where people tend to see the earliest and most significant signs of aging, which is why this procedure’s popularity continues to endure.

Although facelift surgery doesn’t improve the upper face, Dr. Weinberg offers options for patients interested in treating specific concerns in this area. Eyelid surgery can improve the look of both the upper and lower eyelids by removing excess skin, reducing fatty deposits, and filling hollow or sunken areas. Brow lift surgery lifts a sagging brow and smoothes forehead wrinkles for an alert, refreshed appearance. If you’re bothered by both your upper and lower face. Dr. Weinberg can add eyelid surgery or a forehead lift to your face and neck lift for a more complete transformation.

Will I have scars after my facelift or neck lift?

At his Toronto and Mississauga clinics, facelift and neck lift patients can choose between long scar surgery (traditional facelift) or short scar surgery (mini facelift). Both of these procedures produce very discreet scarring that is typically well-hidden behind your hairline, even if you wear your hair very short.

I’m more concerned with aging in my neck than my face. Can I just have a neck lift on its own?

Yes. Although it’s not as common as a combined procedure, Dr. Weinberg can alter his approach to perform only neck lift surgery for a more targeted improvement.

How can I make my facelift results last as long as possible?

Although facelift surgery can’t stop the aging process, results can last for many years. Practicing good skin care goes a long way toward preserving your new look. A strong at-home regimen that includes daily cleansing and moisturizing with proven ingredients, such as antioxidants or retinols, keeps skin healthy and beautiful. Applying a sunscreen of at least SPF 30 every day is also important to prevent damage and wrinkles from forming. Additionally, you can extend your results with regular nonsurgical treatments, such as BOTOX or dermal fillers.

Will I need additional surgery in the future?

Although some patients do choose to undergo a second facelift 10 or 15 years after their first, this is a personal decision. Even though facelift surgery doesn’t completely stop the aging process, you’ll still look younger than you would if you hadn’t had any surgery. Only you—with Dr. Weinberg’s guidance—can determine whether additional surgery is the right choice for your needs. When the time comes, Dr. Weinberg can help you understand the type of results you can expect.

Request Your Consultation

To learn more about facelift or neck lift surgery, call our office at (905) 273-3045 (Mississauga) or (416) 207-9090 (Toronto) or request an appointment online. Dr. Weinberg looks forward to meeting with you and helping you achieve your aesthetic goals.

Dr. Weinberg does not endorse or lend his name to any specific product, medication, or device. The information on this page is meant to familiarize prospective patients with some of the commonly available treatments/products and devices in use for specific issues and is intended for general educational purposes only. Decisions regarding treatments in a specific patient must be made in the context of a medical consultation.

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