Woman wearing bathing suit after Brazilian butt lift surgery

Brazilian butt lifts are quickly growing in popularity, thanks to their ability to augment the buttocks and create a voluminous, lifted effect without implants. Knowing what to expect when recovering from a Brazilian butt lift procedure at our Toronto or Mississauga practice can help prospective patients feel informed and reassured as they head into the exciting process.

In this blog post, I’ll provide an overview of what you can expect during your Brazilian butt lift journey, from the first consultation to the final result.

Setting the Stage for Recovery

Optimal results begin with a personal consultation. I take each patient’s goals and body proportions into account and use my extensive experience in large-volume fat transfer techniques to design a customized treatment plan. To learn more about what the Brazilian butt lift does and whether it’s right for you, please see this previous blog post.

Day of Surgery

Our highly skilled and qualified surgical team performs each procedure in a surgical facility fully accredited by the CAAASF to ensure your safety. After your procedure, you’ll be closely monitored by our team and may be sent home after a few hours. You’ll be given detailed instructions on how to care for your body over the first few days, including information about any medications prescribed for discomfort and guidelines for when you should resume certain activities. During this time and for the next 2 weeks, you should avoid prolonged sitting as it may damage or deform the fat tissue.

First Week

Your results during the first week may look exaggerated. This is because we often inject some excess fat as some of it will be metabolized. Your long-term results will take shape over the next few months. Continuing to closely follow any instructions is a great way to take an active role in their development.

Next Few Weeks

You will wear a compression garment to help provide even compression to the areas where liposuction was performed. You’ll likely be cleared to resume exercise after 6 weeks. We’ll schedule follow-up appointments at 2 weeks and 6 weeks to check that everything is healing properly and answer any questions you may have.

Long-Term Results

You may experience some bruising and swelling for a few months as your results develop. Your final look will generally last for as long as you maintain your body weight and don’t experience major loss or gain. Any scarring will continue to improve over the next year or 2 until it is barely visible. To see real patient examples of the results you can expect after recovery, please browse our before-and-after photo gallery.

To start your Brazilian butt lift journey in Toronto, please contact us online or call (416) 207-9090 (Toronto) or (905) 273-3045 (Mississauga) to make your appointment.

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