In our last newsletter, we told you all about a new injectable treatment for double chin. But what about traditional double chin treatment? Liposuction for submental fat is still a leading treatment for this bothersome condition. Remember, according to online surveys, chin liposuction is associated with high satisfaction rates.  Based on 150 respondents over 24 months on Realself,  95% of patients voted the procedure worth doing, making it one of the most worthwhile cosmetic procedures ranked! It’s also one of the most commonly considered procedures, based on the fact that 67% of people surveyed by the American Society of Dermatology in 2015 said they were bothered by their double chin. And, it is a procedure often considered by men as well as women.

Who’s a good candidate for chin liposuction? Anyone with a moderate to a large amount of submental fat, who is close to the weight they will likely maintain, and who has reasonable skin quality, without too much loose skin, is a good candidate for chin liposuction. The procedure is done by making a small incision just below the chin after the area is frozen with a local anesthetic. For anyone who is anxious, Dr. Weinberg may prescribe some oral pre-procedure medication to ensure comfort and help you relax. A cannula is inserted in through the small incision and the excess fat is removed via suction. At the same time, a micro-liposuction of adjacent jowls can also be carried out. The procedure takes roughly 20 minutes, and the small incision is closed with a few stitches. You can return home immediately after the procedure, and return to normal activities without any downtime. There can be some bruising within the first few days, which can be concealed by wearing a turtle neck or other high collared shirt. There is no special dressing or after care, though sometimes Dr. Weinberg may recommend wearing a chin strap at night for a few days. A small number of patients may require a touch-up procedure some weeks after the first treatment, and if so, there is no charge for the second procedure. The results are permanent. The fat that is removed does not come back. Pricing for chin liposuction is very reasonable.

So, for many people bothered by their double chin, liposuction remains quite a safe, simple, and relatively inexpensive option that is associated with very little down time. However, as was discussed in our last newsletter, there are many individuals who really don’t want any surgical treatment whatsoever, even the small incision involved in liposuction of the chin. For them, the new injectable fat dissolving medication for double chin is an excellent alternative. It too has high satisfaction ratings in surveys and has the benefit of being noninvasive.

Hate your double chin not sure which treatment is right for you? Come in for a consultation, and we’ll help you to LOVE THE CHIN YOU’RE IN! Give us a call at (905) 273-3045!

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