Woman exercising to maintain her liposuction results.

Even as plastic surgery and other cosmetic treatments become increasingly common and accepted, certain attitudes persist. One of those is the idea that liposuction is a shortcut to weight loss. That’s not true and, in fact, it’s not a weight-loss procedure at all. On the contrary, women and men who get liposuction at our Toronto practice are often in excellent shape and maintain healthy lifestyles.

You Only Have So Much Control

Certain areas of the body tend to accumulate fat, and it can be difficult to get rid of those trouble spots, even if you spend hours at the gym. Your body may be holding onto the fat that is concealing your hard-earned six-pack. Making no progress while you’re working so hard can be frustrating and undermine your motivation for working out.

What Liposuction Can Do

And this is where liposuction comes in. Liposuction is an amazing, versatile procedure that can remove small pockets of fat from virtually all areas of the body where they tend to accumulate. It’s not just a flatter stomach that liposuction can produce. Other trouble areas include:

  • Chin
  • Neck
  • Upper arms
  • Abdomen
  • Hips, thighs and knees
  • Buttocks

What Liposuction Cannot Do

But liposuction isn’t designed as a procedure for people who want to lose weight, because at most, a liposuction procedure can safely remove 7 or 8 pounds of fatty tissue. The best liposuction candidates are people who are at or near their desired weight and who want to contour specific areas of the body.

A Boost for Your Motivation

It’s not enough, though, to simply undergo liposuction and expect you’ll maintain the shape you desire. Exercise and eating a healthy diet is still necessary. One of the hidden benefits of liposuction is that after seeing their new body contours, many people are often more motivated to lead a healthy lifestyle because they want to keep the enhanced tone and muscle definition that liposuction can reveal.

Losing Weight vs. Liposuction

Understanding the difference between what liposuction does and what happens when someone loses weight will help clarify why liposuction appears to create muscle tone. When a person loses weight through dieting, for example, fat cells shrink. If that person goes off his or her diet, the cells increase in size. Liposuction actually removes fat cells from the body for good. Therefore, the results can last for years.

That doesn’t mean liposuction patients won’t gain weight, but future weight gain will tend to accumulate in other areas of the body unless the amount is significant. Some nonsurgical fat reduction procedures, such as CoolSculpting®, do destroy fat cells. But nonsurgical treatments can’t produce results that match liposuction.

Your Choice of Plastic Surgeon Is What Matters

If you’ve ever researched liposuction, you know multiple techniques are available. The bottom line is that the most important choice you’ll make isn’t the liposuction technique, but rather the plastic surgeon you select to perform the procedure. Traditional, tumescent liposuction remains extremely effective when performed by an experienced and highly trained surgeon. Review some of Dr. Weinberg’s amazing liposuction results in his online photo gallery.

You can learn more about liposuction and whether you’re a good candidate for the procedure at our plastic surgery practice in Toronto and Mississauga. To request a consultation, contact us using the online form or call us at either (416) 207-9090 (Toronto) or (905) 273-3045 (Mississauga), and we’ll be happy to schedule an appointment.

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