Woman and daughter (models) doing yoga in the living room.

If you’re reading a blog post about how to prepare for Mommy Makeover surgery, you don’t need anyone to describe the toll that pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding take on a body. That’s why you’re here, right? Wanting to feel comfortable with your body is normal, and even if you exercise and eat a healthy diet, you may still have excess abdominal skin and smaller, deflated breasts.

Despite the whimsical nickname, a Mommy Makeover is a major surgical procedure that requires significant recovery time. It’s essential that you prepare physically and mentally for your procedure and get your home ready for your recovery. In this blog post, we’ll provide a comprehensive guide to preparing for your procedure so you’re confident on the day of surgery.

What Is a Mommy Makeover?

The phrase Mommy Makeover was coined to encompass a combination of procedures that address the physical changes of having children. Even though the specific procedures vary, most Mommy Makeovers include a tummy tuck, liposuction, and breast enhancement surgery such as a breast lift or augmentation (or both).

Preparing for a Mommy Makeover

Being healthy, stopping certain prescription medications, arranging for child care if needed, and setting up a recovery area in your home are among the things to consider in the weeks leading up to your surgery. Mommy Makeover recovery time can vary, but you should plan to take at least 3 weeks off from a desk job (longer if your work requires physical labour).

The recovery following a tummy tuck usually lasts 2 or 3 months before you feel back to normal. It is important to set aside this time so you can rest and recover properly without any external pressures or obligations.

1. Do Your Due Diligence Researching Plastic Surgeons

Research surgeons before scheduling any consultations to ensure they:

  • Are certified by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
  • Have experience performing Mommy Makeover procedures
  • Have positive reviews from previous patients that are posted on a reputable, independent website

After choosing a surgeon, communicate openly about your goals and expectations. Openly discussing any questions or concerns with your surgeon is key in ensuring they can provide the necessary information and support throughout the process.

2. Schedule Pre-Op Medical Exams

Your primary doctor will likely need to perform a physical exam to ensure you are healthy enough to undergo an elective surgery that can take up to 6 hours.

3. Be at a Healthy Weight

Losing the weight gained during pregnancy is essential to preparing for a Mommy Makeover. You should wait at least 6 months after giving birth before undergoing this procedure. If you’re breastfeeding, wait at least 6 months after weaning the child. This gives your body time to settle into its postpartum shape and helps ensure your results look natural and in proportion with other parts of your body.

4. Quit Using Nicotine

Nicotine affects circulation, which can interfere with and delay healing. Nicotine also increases the risk of postoperative complications such as infection or blood clotting. It is important to quit using all forms of nicotine, including vaping, at least one month before surgery to ensure that your body has ample time to recover from its effects. You should avoid using nicotine for at least a month after surgery, too.

5. Avoid Alcohol

Limiting alcohol is a must when preparing for any kind of surgery. Alcohol acts as a diuretic, which can directly lead to increased urination and dehydration and could cause complications during the procedure. We recommend patients stop consuming alcoholic beverages at least 2 weeks before undergoing a Mommy Makeover.

6. Stop Taking Certain Medications

You should avoid taking blood-thinning medications such as aspirin and ibuprofen at least a week before surgery; they increase the risk of excess bleeding during and after the procedure. The same is true for anti-inflammatory and herbal supplements like Ginkgo biloba. Phentermine, HCG, and other diet medications need to be stopped 2 weeks before because they increase the risk of complications when combined with anesthesia.

7. Fill Your Prescriptions

It’s essential to fill the prescriptions before surgery. You will need these medications—including antibiotics, pain relievers, sleeping aids, and laxatives—as soon as you return home. Pay close attention to all post-surgery medication instructions, including taking the antibiotics until you have taken all of them as directed.

8. Schedule Child Care

Even if you have a spouse or partner at home, having someone else scheduled to care for your children is essential. It’s important to remember that you won’t be able to lift anything heavy—including toddlers—for several weeks after surgery. You may also need assistance with household tasks.

9. Set Up a Comfortable Recovery Zone

You’ll be doing little other than resting, eating, and going to the bathroom during the first few days of recovery, so arrange a comfortable space for your recuperation. Creating an easy-to-access and comfortable area can help you heal properly and feel more relaxed during the healing period. When setting up your recovery zone, ensure easy access to snacks, water bottles, medications, toiletries, electronic devices, and other necessities.

10. Follow a Healthy Diet

Following a healthy diet is an important part of getting ready for a mommy makeover. Eating the right foods and maintaining hydration can speed up healing time, provide vital nutrients for recovery, and protect you from weight gain that could complicate your surgery. A whole foods-based diet with plenty of high-quality nutrients can help keep you strong and energized during your recovery period. Include protein-rich foods such as eggs, almonds, chicken breast, cottage cheese, and lean beef in your diet to promote muscle growth and tissue regeneration postoperatively.

11. Assess Your Expectations

Last but not least, prepare yourself mentally for surgery. Patients with reasonable expectations about the results are almost always happy with their outcomes. All surgeries involve incisions, which means you’ll have scarring. That’s a tradeoff that Mommy Makeover patients are willing to make to regain their pre-pregnancy bodies.

Get Started on Your Transformation

Consulting with a body contouring specialist such as Dr. Weinberg is the first step in pursuing a Mommy Makeover. Request a consultation using the online form or call us at (905) 273-3045 to schedule an appointment.

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