Mississauga Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Clinic

In the past few years, I’ve noticed a growing number of plastic surgery patients requesting treatment for their arms at my practice near Oakville. Not surprising: This number only increases when the summer sun appears, outdoor event invites are sent, and lighter apparel makes its way out of the closet. Most common is the female patient in her 40s or 50s looking to regain the confidence she once had wearing tank tops, bathing suits, and sundresses. Should these easy, breezy garments only be reserved for summers past? Absolutely not.

While the aging process can slowly lead to an accumulation of fat,sag a loss of elasticity, and an increase in sagging (specifically in the arms and abdomen for women), there are now more options than ever before to combat the effects of age and gravity.

Here are my recommendations, both surgical and nonsurgical, for patients looking to enjoy “tank-top arms” this summer (and the rest of the year, too):

  • Liposuction: This is the tried-and-true surgical option for patients who have accumulated pockets of fat in a variety of areas, including the upper arms. For liposuction procedures at my Toronto practice, I use a small tube called a cannula to suction away the fat that is resistant to diet and exercise. For the upper arms, the surgery typically requires minimal downtime, with full results achieved several weeks after the procedure when swelling fades. Liposuction is not, however, the right choice for everyone. For patients with lax or sagging skin, liposuction can actually make the problem worse. In this case, combining liposuction with an arm lift will achieve the best result.
  • Arm Lift: If lax skin is the main concern, unfortunately, no amount of exercise will correct the problem. An arm lift, or brachioplasty, is a surgical procedure that reduces sagging, tightens supportive tissue, and creates definition and shape in the upper arm. Results are typically ready to be revealed after a few months. With careful incisions, scarring is discreet on the inside of the arms, and it gradually fades over time. This procedure is, by far, the most dramatic of the 3 and therefore, achieves some of my favorite before-and-after photos.
  • CoolSculpting®: Last, but definitely not least, is the nonsurgical option we offer for fat removal on the arms: CoolSculpting. Using targeted cooling, the treatment applicator freezes and destroys fat cells, which gradually flush from the body over the months following treatment. CoolSculpting can treat the midsection, flanks, hips, back, thighs, under the chin, and of course, the arms. It is quick, painless, and the results speak for themselves: a fat reduction of 20% to 30% in the area treated. For patients looking to avoid surgery, CoolSculpting is the way to go.

With summer months right around the corner, learn more about your options for toned and taut arms by contacting our practice today. Together, we’ll discuss your goals to determine which treatment, or a combination of treatments, is right for you. We have a feeling you’ll be shopping for sleeveless tops in no time.

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