Learn about Kybella at Mississauga Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Clinic

BELKYRA™ is the hottest anticipated product in cosmetic medicine and by plastic surgeons. Available under the name of KYBELLA®  in the U.S., Belkyra has recently been approved for use in Canada, and will likely be available to our Mississauga patients this spring.

Belkyra is deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown of fat. When injected in the fat below the chin, also known as submental fat, it destroys those fat cells. This can make a huge difference to those who hate the waddle.

Belkyra has been studied in over 20 clinical trials, and has been used on more than 1600 patients. Almost 70% responded positively, with improvement to the appearance of their chin/neck area. Patient selection is very important when it comes to Belkyra treatments. People with a lot of skin laxity will not likely be happy with the results, as they will still be left with loose hanging jowls when the fat is gone. Similarly, patients with very thin skin are not ideal Belkyra candidates. It is most appropriate for those with moderate to severe submental fat, so it is not known how patients with only small fat deposits will fare, and as a result it is not approved for use in those patients. It’s important that Belkyra injection be carried out by a trained medical doctor, as it is necessary to have detailed knowledge of the anatomic structure in the submental region.

Belkyra requires a number of, maybe as many as 20, small injections, and usually involves more than one treatment, anywhere from 2 to 6, for optimal results. However, once results are achieved, no further treatment should be required.

Belkyra is not the only treatment available for improvement of the chin/neck area. Traditionally, liposuction has been the ideal treatment for submental fat. A neck or face lift can also get rid of fat and hanging skin in this location. Botox can also help in this area, though it will not shrink a double chin it can help to improve the jawline and neck area. For those whose main complaint is a double chin, and who do not want an invasive treatment like liposuction or a neck lift, Belkyra is a great option.

Ready to do something about that double chin? Call our office for a consultation at (905) 273-3045.

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