Mississauga Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Clinic

woman in bra

Many breast enhancement patients strive to achieve their personal best not only when it comes to physical appearance, but in all aspects of their lives. When a patient isn’t happy with the results she achieved with another surgeon, it’s not surprising that she would consider breast augmentation revision. At my Toronto practice, I offer a range of options for customizing procedures to meet the exact needs of every patient.

There are a number of reasons a patient may consider breast augmentation revision, suchas capsular contracture, deflated implant(s), defective implants such as PIP breast implants, or simply a desire to change the shape or size of her implants. For example, it is unfortunately not uncommon for patients to opt for overly large implants the first go round. This may cause drooping or sagging that they subsequently wish to correct. During each consultation, I spend one-on-one time with the patient to ensure I understand the reasoning behind wanting surgery. Patients may find they are unhappy with their original results, but they aren’t sure exactly how to fix the problem, and that is where a detailed consultation can help.

The first step toward a revision should be choosing a qualified plastic surgeon with extensive experience performing breast augmentation revision. He or she will be able to explain why the first procedure was unsuccessful and how a different surgical approach can correct cosmetic and functional issues. I typically opt for a different breast implant placement from the original procedure, as a different “pocket” for the implant can often correct some of the problems that occurred with the first surgery, and like most plastic surgeons I prefer inframammary incisions for revision patients, as this allows me to see the previous implant and surgical site well. Also, I choose the most natural-looking breast implant size, shape, and material based on a thorough analysis of the initial procedure and an understanding of the patient’s body type and cosmetic goals.

Other considerations, such as whether a patient should combine augmentation with a breast lift, will be discussed during the initial consultation.

2 Responses to Reasons to Consider Breast Augmentation Revision

  • Holly says:

    Hi Dr. Weinberg,
    I have a few questions…
    I got cohesive gel implants 2 years ago, Im 30 and 125 pounds. 450cc from a small B cup. Immediatly I noticed the right breast had dropped and adressed the concern with my PS. He assured me it was normal and that the other would drop an they would both be fine. 2 years after surgery I still was waiting for the left to drop. I went to see my PS and he told me it had bottomed out as I suspected immediatly after surgery. Both implants had bottomed out but I didnt know, I just assumed because the right one had slipped into my arm pit when i lay on my back that it was the problem one. My PS told me he would fix both breasts by doing a capsulorhaphy at no charge to me…he would cover the costs as well as OHIP covering a portion. When I went to my next appointment to fill out the paperwork for the revision surgery I noticed I signed for IMF capsulectomy for both breasts. I asked the assistant(my PS was not in the office)why the PS said he would do capsulorhaphy the (Internal Bra)first but now the procedure is different, she said thats a $7000 procedure and that its crazy if I thought he would do that. I was confused.
    I had my revision surgery and was told I must wear the bandages for 3 weeks post op, but a week after surgery I had a reaction to the tape and got blisters so my PS removed the bandaging and said just to wear a tight bra and that their is no other alternative besides the tape. I am 7 weeks post op and my breast looked way better before revision, now my left breast is deformed and the nipple is almost at the top of my breast. The nipples do not line up at all. My right breast seems as if it is shrinking since surgery. My PS and his assistant keep telling me they are fine but are clearly not. They also have said if i complain about pain that he will remove them. i dont see an issue with having pain since i just had surgery 7 weeks ago, but both my PS and his assistant have said they will have to remove my implants because I complained of pain and that i shouldnt feel any discomfort now.They are both different sizes, very noticeable, nipples dont line up, deformed. Im so upset.
    I asked if I should go to my doctor a couple weeks ago because I was in pain and my PS couldnt see me that day…his assistant told me if I have any other doctor treat me for anything that my PS will no longer be responsible if anything happends to my implants and basically that it was not necessary to go see another doctor regardless of how much pain i am in. My plastic surgeons assistant told me the PS hasnt done many repairs(after my revision surgery)which was alarming to me since Ive learned that only a revision specialist should do revisions…is this true?
    Is it common to bottom out immediatly? Is it surgical error?
    Can I go to another surgeon if I am unhappy with my results?
    Will OHIP cover the cost again? Since my original surgery was $9500
    If not how much to have them repaired by you?
    I am too scared to have my PS work on me again.
    I have researched your work and read hours of reviews and think you are my best option.
    I hope you have time to get back to me.
    One very sad lopsided girl here.
    Thank you, Holly

    • Dr. Michael Weinberg says:

      Dear Holly,
      Thanks for your inquiry. My apologies for the delay getting back to you and I am so sorry you have had such a difficult time.
      I would be happy to meet you in person for a consultation to see what specific advice I can give you, as I cannot answer specific medical questions online.
      However, in general, it is typically best to get follow-up treatment from your original plastic surgeon.
      If you would like to book a consultation, you can reach my patient coordinator Sandy at 905-273-3045.
      All the Best,
      Dr. Michael Weinberg

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